Have you ever wondered why truth is stranger than fiction? This, and many other topics will never be explored here. You will mostly find half-assed posts about crap I've thought about for 2 seconds. (I really need to work on my promotion skills.)

Friday, July 10, 2009

Blogging - Stepford Mommy Mentality = Enjoyable Reading

Today's Lesson: I'm kind of fucked in the head. As if that's a shocker. I have this weird sort of disdain for mommies who are too into their house and kids. I try to figure out what my problem is when everyone else gets excited about a $1.50 off of Tide or a new garbanzo bean recipe. I spent some time this week intentionally reading other mommy blogs. Why? (Seriously, why?)

What did I learn?

  • Not only do other mommies get excited about these things, they actually blog about them. Like, entire paragraphs. Ugh. The next time I get sucked into looking at a blog called Exciting Extra-Fantastic Adventures Of Wonder Mom And Super Kids (I'm trying to make up a name, so if this is your blog....get over it) and it ends up being about trips to the Farmer's Market and homeschooling, I'm going to learn how to hack into the page and change the name to Captain Lame-o's Family's Unfortunate Non-Happenings.

  • Celebrity blogs are about endorsements. I haven't read one yet that doesn't have an obvious product placement.

  • There's an awful lot of TV show complaints in the mommy blog world. I've officially lost count of how many bloggers are discussing Jon & Kate +8. All of them are along the same vein: "this show is completely ridiculous...jon is too passive...kate is a witch....I don't know why I watch every show...blah, blah, blah." Um, stop watching the show then. I watched one episode, I hated it, I never watched it again. This has been a general, life-long peeve of mine. No one forces you to watch a TV show/watch a movie/listen to music. If there's nothing at all enjoyable about it, turn it off or quit your bitching. You don't get to eat the moldy leftovers then bitch about the food poisoning.

  • Not all the shopping blogs are about saving money on useful items, such as that Tide I was making fun of. Tide is actually useful, I just can't get excited about it. Most of them that I've come across are about stuff like jeans, spa treatments, squid art (yep), and Slurpees. While I like looking at squid art in a spa while wearing jeans and drinking a Slurpee, I'm just drawing a blank trying to picture the person who looks forward to reading about how to save 20% on them.

  • There are rare few mommy blogs that are written intelligently, entertaining, can depict home life without bogging the reader down with Home Ec. lessons (unless you have tips on how to get runny poop out of 6-inch shag, then I need to be your friend) and take a truly realistic approach to writing about their kids. Kudos to you! Go forth and clone thyself.

"Knowing is half the battle." - G.I. Joe