Have you ever wondered why truth is stranger than fiction? This, and many other topics will never be explored here. You will mostly find half-assed posts about crap I've thought about for 2 seconds. (I really need to work on my promotion skills.)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Let's Get Physical

So, now that I'm no longer about to die, I've decided to get serious again about my workout.  In the past this has not been a hugely successful endeavor because, inevitably, all of the following happens:

  • The kids scream the whole time I'm out of the room.  I can hear them no matter how high the volume is on my iPod.
  • Mr. A warns me that he has a raid (WoW) in 30 minutes so I'd better hurry up.
  • Mr. A talks non-stop about how asshole-y the kids are pretty much every time I bring up my workout.
  • I get sick.
  • The kids get sick.
  • Mr. A gets sick/throws his back out.
  • I get home late from work too late to eat dinner and work out, so I have to choose.  I usually choose food.
There's a quote by Einstein that always runs through my mind right before I start working out again:

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

So, in order to make sure that my same failures do not rear their ugly heads, this time I will:
  • Eat late lunches, so I don't have to worry so much about dinner.
  • Tell Mr. A that his alternative to watching the kids until I'm damn-well done working out is to pay a gym.  Then I will also pay additional for said gym to watch my bratty kids.  Those gyms are more expensive than my kid's preschool.  I think he'll get the point.
  • The illnesses....well there's not much else I can do about that.  We're just going to have to keep hand washing and monitoring of the kids' germ sharing (i.e.: no cup sharing and no toy biting)
Wish me luck!

"Knowing is half the battle." - G.I. Joe