So, now that I'm no longer about to die, I've decided to get serious again about my workout. In the past this has not been a hugely successful endeavor because, inevitably, all of the following happens:
- The kids scream the whole time I'm out of the room. I can hear them no matter how high the volume is on my iPod.
- Mr. A warns me that he has a raid (WoW) in 30 minutes so I'd better hurry up.
- Mr. A talks non-stop about how asshole-y the kids are pretty much every time I bring up my workout.
- I get sick.
- The kids get sick.
- Mr. A gets sick/throws his back out.
- I get home late from work too late to eat dinner and work out, so I have to choose. I usually choose food.
There's a quote by Einstein that always runs through my mind right before I start working out again:
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
So, in order to make sure that my same failures do not rear their ugly heads, this time I will:
- Eat late lunches, so I don't have to worry so much about dinner.
- Tell Mr. A that his alternative to watching the kids until I'm damn-well done working out is to pay a gym. Then I will also pay additional for said gym to watch my bratty kids. Those gyms are more expensive than my kid's preschool. I think he'll get the point.
- The illnesses....well there's not much else I can do about that. We're just going to have to keep hand washing and monitoring of the kids' germ sharing (i.e.: no cup sharing and no toy biting)
Wish me luck!
"Knowing is half the battle." - G.I. Joe