Have you ever wondered why truth is stranger than fiction? This, and many other topics will never be explored here. You will mostly find half-assed posts about crap I've thought about for 2 seconds. (I really need to work on my promotion skills.)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Today's Horoscope

  1. TaurusTaurus (4/20-5/20)
    You're the master of ceremonies. You're a fountain of cheerfulness. You're slated to have big fun no matter what you end up doing with yourself. Since you probably went over all the possibilities in your last slow moment, you're ready to move as soon as the mood hits you. Maybe you're up for a fresh attack on a project that once defeated you. Maybe you'll paint bright colors all over something that usually bores you to tears. Whatever you do, do it with gusto.
 Dead on, horoscope.  Dead on.  What did I do today?

  • Slept until 9:15.
  • Turned on my fountain.
  • Built houses in Sims 3.
  • Washed some of the kids' clothes.
  • Checked my email.
But I did do it all with gusto.

"Knowing is half the battle." - G.I. Joe